Thursday, October 7, 2010

Big Tent poem from springboard

The prompt is to use a line from another poet's work as a springboard. I kept trying to use something less familiar, but just kept circling back to "Hope is a thing with feathers."by Emily Dickenson.

Feathered Hope

Hope is a thing with feathers.
I memorized when I was five.
Hope is a thing with feathers.
She lived alone in her garden.
Hope is a thing with feathers.
Maybe she was as lonely as I.
Hope is a thing with feathers.
Words flutter between my eyes.
Hope is a thing with feathers.
Maybe I can fly poems too.
Hope is a thing with feathers.
Hope is a thing with feathers.


  1. Beautiful. And yes, you CAN fly poems, specially ones like this.

  2. Once our imagination takes flight there are no boundaries!

  3. 'Maybe I can fly poems too.'

    What a lovely line.

  4. I can tell hope with feathers gives you moments of glee, Victoria. Yes, you can FLY poems!

  5. Hope is a thing with coloured feathers, Victoria.Fly on by!

  6. Thanks for the comments all - fun to wake up to, especially after staying up too late writing poems!

  7. A wonderful and sensitive poem, Victoria! Beautifully expressed.

  8. You certainly soared with this one! Lovely!

  9. It's a lovely line worthy of oft repetition!

  10. Great pick for a prompt, I love that poem and you definitely did it justice. Good job.
