Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Big Tent Wordle Poem for 10-15-2010


Takes real courage,
not cute denatured pluck
to extract bitter hook of
objectification, impossible
glossy magazine feminitity,
drooping damsel in distress
helplessness. I'm no enchanted
princess, no beautiful sleeping doll
imprisoned in tower atop fantasy's
staircase. I will not passively
await liberation through perfect
paission's magic purple kiss.
I dip my sacred drinking gourd into
muddy waters, quench my own
thirst, drink deeply of the river Life.

Victoria Hendricks
October 12, 2010


  1. Victoria, I just love the affirmation of your own strength at the end of this poem! Fantasy staircases aren't all they are 'cracked up' to be!

  2. Victoria, my favorite lines areL

    I'm no enchanted
    princess, no beautiful sleeping doll
    imprisoned in tower atop fantasy's

    You DO show strength and courage! A breathtaking moment for this poem!

  3. not sure what it is about the word "purple" that begs for alliteration. I also like drooping damsel in distress, but my favorite is "cute denatured pluck" not a phrase to slip past in the rush.

  4. "I will not passively
    await liberation through perfect
    passion's magic purple kiss."

    No, but it might be nice, eh?! :0) Great shout for womanhood!

    WV: baysies - which is not far off!

  5. Thanks for the comments - and yes Derrick, not rejecting "passion's magic purple kiss." Delight and fantasy have their moments for sure, just won't wait around unhappy until they come out to dance. Barbara, "pluck" has always been a pet peeve word for me and I appreciate that you like the way I used it here. I'm off to visit your blog - first time maybe - and Mary and Diane, my most lyal poetry friends and up there on the real life list too, thank you for caring for me and my work.

  6. An enchanting poem of disenchantment. Rapunzel saving the prince from the tower the hard way. He was only wearing a hairpiece :-)

  7. powerful, still feminine yet a declaration of not being a barbie, I loved this!

  8. I came, I saw, I still vote for passion's purple kiss, but then I am who I am and have preferred fantasy my whole life.

  9. Christopher, passion's purple kiss does have its place, for surem as does fantasy,
