Friday, December 31, 2010

Prayer of Resolve - 2011

Help me choose
love, not ego.
Sharpen my mind
to question.
Strengthen my soul
to abide.
Guide my choices
toward balance.
Open my heart
to listen.
Open my eyes
to injustice.
Increase my wisdom
to discern.
Fortify my courage
to act.
Amplify my voice
to speak.
Quicken my spirit
to rejoice.
Soften my will.
to accept.
Help me choose
love not ego.

Victoria Hendricks


  1. Beautiful and meaningful poem, Victoria. One of those that one should read daily when one awakens!

  2. Beautiful, Victoria. May it be so in your life (and mine also and all those we love). I printed this one out!

  3. A wonderful poem - and a beautiful list of resolutions. Lovely prayer.

  4. Wise words by which to live. I love this.
