Thursday, May 12, 2011


Breeze last night felt fresh,
enlivened sleepy house.
Delighted by breeze,
I missed it's prediction
of thunder storm,
now flooding the street.


  1. A breeze is always a precursor to a thunderstorm. That's what i like about it.

  2. Such an eloquently written piece. Well done

  3. How wonderful it feels to read this piece about the breeze and how it enlivened those in your home. That is how I am feeling tonight. We just got a little rain and the world is fresh and cooler. I identify with this right now and look forward to taking Lexi for a walk in it.

  4. Great example of living in the moment, not worrying about the storm ahead.

  5. Part of the hazards of living in and enjoying the moment -- missing the signs of things to come. But then the joy probably far outweighed the inconvenience of the storm (most storms anyway). Again good writing.

  6. Interesting how a breeze enjoyed can turn nasty in short order! Good oftentimes NOT to notice this in advance.

  7. Thanks for the comments on this poem, which was written about a real breeze and storm.
