Monday, November 8, 2010

PAD 6 Looking for... Questions

Living has knocked
the questions out of me.

Why is too hard.
Child is born to abuse,
peace, starvation, privilege
bombings, acceptance.
Cells mutate, destroy brain.
Talent blossoms untutored.
Victim dies of depression,
takes gun to school, puts pen
to paper in powerful protest.
Car hits median, flaming coffin,
or carries passengers safely home.
Nation drops bomb or signs treaty.
Person chooses love or chooses ego.
Why is too hard.

What can I do about it?
Living demands I keep asking.

Victoria Hendricks
November 6, 2010


  1. As for myself....I am tired of questions and tired of answers. Too hard.

  2. Mary, hugs to you. I'm down to the one question. What now? The others seem a waste of energy to me too.
